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Downloadable Test Bank – Introduction to Computer Science,(Openstax)


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Introduction to Computer Science (OpenStax) Test Bank

Computer Science Exams are tough and Practice is the key.

Professors don’t always explain everything and anything, they teach the principles and basics, but leave the tricky stuff to exams. So you need more than textbook notes and lectures to do well in the class, you need a reliable exam prep tool to practice what matters most.

Here’s what helps:

The OpenStax’s Intro to Computer Science test bank is tailored specifically for your course. It gives you real practice without useless theory.

About the textbook:

Introduction to Computer Science by OpenStax is used in many college computer science classes like CS101 or Introduction to Computing. It contains major topics like programming basics, data structures, algorithms, and computer systems. It is popular because it is free, clear, and user-friendly.

Why this Computer Science Test Bank helps:


Custom-Made for your computer science class


600+ practice questions—true/false, multiple choice, short answer, long answer, and identification questions


Questions are categorized according to difficulty and Bloom’s level


Helps you get ready for real exam questions


Great for self testing


Built by information technology educators who know what teachers ask in exams

Make your study time count

Use the Introduction to Computer Science (OpenStax) Test Bank to study smarter. Access questions that are as close to real exams as possible.





Disclaimer: We are NOT affilaited with OpenStax


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Good quality.Good service.The product is firmly packed.Very fast delivery.Very well worth the money.

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