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Downloadable Test Bank – The Earth Through Time, Levin.


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The Earth Through Time, Levin, 10E Test Bank

The earth was created 4.5 billion years ago. Many people do not know how it was formed and how it became a pale blue dot! The Earth Through Time 10th Edition reveals our planet’s geologic past. 

This textbook is providing detailed information on geological processes and materials. Students get many new explanations and updates. It contains several engaging illustrations to explain many geological events.  

Harold L. Levin’s engaginag and lively narration makes this textbook pretty entertaining. It attracts readers to historical geology. Readers get curious to reveal more and this textbook provides a lot more than previous editions. 

This textbook got 17 chapters and the author has divided them into three categories:

  • Discovering time and decoding major geological events that occurred in the past
  • How rocks reveal the history of the planet
  • Earth’s history and its inhabitants

It is a remarkable journey for the readers, who want to know the planet more closely. The knowledge of the past can help readers understand many critical geological processes. 

What’s new in the 10th edition?

  • More than 100 new pictures and illustrations
  • New end-of-chapter exercises
  • Revised geological time scale
  • Additional Enrichment Boxes

The new textbook provides a lot more information than you got before! 

What is The Earth Through Time 10E Test Bank?

The test bank is a source of exam-prep questions based on this textbook. It contains all sorts of questions and exercises your faculty can pick for upcoming exams. It offers a time-saving way of exam preparation and you can buy and download it right now! Request your sample for free



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Good quality.Good service.The product is firmly packed.Very fast delivery.Very well worth the money.

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