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Downloadable Test Bank – Principles of Fraud Examination by Wells


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Organizations have always relied on accountants to detect and prevent fraud. The Principles of Fraud Examination teaches that fraud is more than what numbers depict. The text emphasizes that people commit fraud and not their books or records. 

This textbook helps students learn how to study complex human behaviors, including greed and deception. It reveals factors that accountants cannot quantify or identify. 

Fraud examination instructors from the USA have admired this book for the methods and concepts published in previous editions. The latest edition is offering a broad understanding of fraud. It helps students understand how people commit fraud. They learn how to detect it while investigating.

What is the Principles of Fraud Examination test bank?

This textbook first teaches fraud examination methodology and then describes the technique followed by experts. It teaches how employees proceed when they commit fraud to drain an organization’s resources. It covers all sorts of fraud and teaches how to cope with them. 

All readers find this textbook engaging and filled with many essential fraud detection techniques. You have to focus on all methods and practice the given examples to learn faster. Some students do not get ample time to practice all end-of-chapter questions. They face the risk of failure and the test bank prevents that risk. 

Benefits of test bank

Buy the test bank now to get all exam-prep questions for the Principles of Fraud Examination book. It is the same file your instructors use to prepare the test paper. You can get the latest edition of the test bank if you place the order now. 



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Good quality.Good service.The product is firmly packed.Very fast delivery.Very well worth the money.

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